Change is most always bitter-sweet. Overnight my granddaughter went from her baby crib to a "big-girl" bed. I believe that transition is difficult for any parent, but the change was so dramatic it was hard to look back with any lingering thoughts. The first night my granddaughter slept in her "new" room was a wonder to behold. Her eyes were extra-large as she snuggled under her new cover. The first time I've ever seen her sleep with anything but her blankie touching her!
The next morning, still in awe, she exclaimed several times throughout the day, "I like my room."
One of the changes that really helped bring the room together was painting the old dresser. As a wood worker, covering wood with paint is almost sacrilegious--it just isn't done! And the fact that is was my grandmothers, and mother's dresser made it even more of a sacred object. But the dingy, yellowing wood had stood as an eyesore in my granddaughter's room long enough. In communing with Grandma Kate and Mom, I had to ask them if this was okay....change is hard for me. Both of them were artist and I could not hear their objections. With a final plea to my daughter, "Are you sure you want this painted," it met with a resounding, "Yes!"